Summary Of Mrs. Spring Fragrance

Prepare to be captivated by “Summary of Mrs. Spring Fragrance,” a comprehensive analysis that delves into the intricacies of a beloved novel. This exploration unveils the historical context, literary devices, and profound themes that make this work a timeless masterpiece.

As we embark on this literary adventure, we’ll unravel the complexities of the characters, their relationships, and the social commentary embedded within the pages. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of love, marriage, family, and the complexities of social status.

Literary Context

Set in the late Qing Dynasty of China, “Mrs. Spring Fragrance” emerged amidst a period of significant social and political upheaval. The novel’s author, Li Baojia, sought to critique the corruption and inequality prevalent in Chinese society, particularly the plight of women.

Author’s Purpose and Target Audience

Li Baojia wrote “Mrs. Spring Fragrance” with the explicit purpose of exposing the hypocrisy and injustices faced by women in traditional Chinese society. His target audience was primarily the educated elite and those with influence in society, hoping to spark change through their recognition of the novel’s social commentary.

Literary Genre and Characteristics

“Mrs. Spring Fragrance” falls under the literary genre of social realism, a style that depicts the harsh realities of everyday life and highlights social issues. It is characterized by its focus on the struggles of ordinary people, the exposure of social injustice, and a desire to provoke social change.

Plot Summary: Summary Of Mrs. Spring Fragrance

Mrs. Spring Fragranceby Sui Sin Far follows the journey of a young Chinese immigrant woman named Spring Fragrance as she navigates the challenges of life in early 20th-century America.


The novel opens with Spring Fragrance arriving in San Francisco with her husband and their two children. They settle into a small apartment in Chinatown, where Spring Fragrance struggles to adjust to her new life. She faces discrimination and prejudice from both the white community and some members of the Chinese community.

Rising Action

Spring Fragrance’s husband becomes ill and dies, leaving her alone to support her children. She finds work in a laundry, but the pay is low and the hours are long. Spring Fragrance begins to lose hope and contemplates suicide.

Climax, Summary of mrs. spring fragrance

One day, Spring Fragrance meets a kind-hearted American woman named Mrs. Weston. Mrs. Weston offers Spring Fragrance a job as a companion and housekeeper. Spring Fragrance accepts, and her life begins to improve.

Falling Action

Spring Fragrance’s children grow up and become successful. She is able to buy a small house and live comfortably. However, she never forgets the struggles she faced as an immigrant woman.


In the end, Spring Fragrance finds peace and happiness. She has overcome the challenges she faced and has built a new life for herself and her children.

Character Analysis

The novel revolves around the Spring Fragrance family, each member playing a pivotal role in the unfolding narrative. Their distinct personalities, motivations, and relationships drive the plot and contribute to the novel’s overall message.

Mrs. Spring Fragrance

Mrs. Spring Fragrance is the matriarch of the family, a strong and resilient woman who has faced numerous hardships in her life. Despite the challenges, she remains optimistic and determined to provide a better future for her children. Her unwavering love for her family serves as a beacon of hope throughout the novel.

Mr. Spring Fragrance

Mr. Spring Fragrance is a kind and gentle man who works hard to support his family. Although he is often overshadowed by his wife’s strong personality, he plays a crucial role in maintaining the family’s stability. His love for his wife and children is evident in his every action.

The Children

The Spring Fragrance children are a diverse group of individuals with their own unique personalities and aspirations. They include:

  • Spring Moon: The eldest daughter, Spring Moon is a bright and ambitious young woman who dreams of a better life. Her determination and independence often lead her into conflict with her mother.
  • Spring Snow: The middle daughter, Spring Snow is a gentle and compassionate young woman who is often caught between her mother’s expectations and her own desires.
  • Spring Wind: The youngest daughter, Spring Wind is a lively and mischievous young woman who brings joy and laughter to the family.
  • Spring Rain: The only son, Spring Rain is a quiet and thoughtful young man who struggles to find his place in the world.

As the novel progresses, the Spring Fragrance children undergo significant growth and transformation. They learn to navigate the challenges of life, discover their own strengths, and forge their own paths.

Themes and Symbolism

The novel “Mrs. Spring Fragrance” delves into various significant themes that resonate with the complexities of human relationships and societal expectations.

The primary theme revolves around the intricacies of love and marriage. The novel explores the nuances of arranged marriages, where societal pressures and family expectations often overshadow personal desires. Through the characters of Spring Fragrance and her husband, Liu Yu-xi, the novel examines the challenges of navigating love and intimacy within the constraints of a traditional marriage system.

Love and Marriage

The novel portrays the complexities of love and marriage through the characters of Spring Fragrance and Liu Yu-xi. Spring Fragrance, a young and intelligent woman, is forced into an arranged marriage with Liu Yu-xi, a wealthy but emotionally distant man.

The novel explores the challenges they face in reconciling their personal desires with the expectations of their families and society.

Spring Fragrance’s longing for true love and companionship is juxtaposed with Liu Yu-xi’s inability to express his emotions. Their marriage becomes a symbol of the societal pressures that can stifle individual happiness and fulfillment.

Family and Social Status

The novel also examines the role of family and social status in shaping the lives of its characters. Spring Fragrance’s family is deeply concerned with maintaining their social standing, which influences their decision to arrange her marriage to Liu Yu-xi.

The novel explores the ways in which family expectations and social norms can limit individual agency and autonomy.

The novel also highlights the importance of social status in determining the opportunities and privileges available to individuals. Liu Yu-xi’s wealth and family connections grant him access to education and resources that are not available to Spring Fragrance.

Symbolism and Imagery

The novel employs symbolism and imagery to enhance the themes and convey the emotional experiences of its characters. The title itself, “Mrs. Spring Fragrance,” evokes a sense of beauty and fragility, hinting at the complexities of Spring Fragrance’s character and her journey.

The novel also uses flowers and nature to symbolize the characters’ emotions and experiences. Spring Fragrance’s love for Liu Yu-xi is compared to a blossoming flower, while her frustration and sadness are depicted through images of wilting plants.

Social and Cultural Commentary

Mrs. Spring Fragrance reflects the social and cultural values of its time, providing a glimpse into the expectations and norms of the early 20th century.

The novel portrays traditional gender roles, with women expected to be subservient to men and primarily responsible for domestic duties. However, it also challenges these norms through its protagonist, Mrs. Spring Fragrance, who defies societal expectations and pursues her own path.

Family Dynamics

  • The novel highlights the importance of family and the role it plays in shaping individuals.
  • Mrs. Spring Fragrance’s family is a complex and dysfunctional one, with her father being a strict patriarch and her mother a meek and submissive figure.

  • The novel explores the impact of family relationships on Mrs. Spring Fragrance’s development and her ability to break free from societal expectations.

Class Structure

  • The novel reflects the class structure of early 20th-century China, with a clear distinction between the wealthy elite and the lower classes.
  • Mrs. Spring Fragrance’s journey from poverty to wealth provides a critique of the rigid class system and its impact on individuals.

  • The novel suggests that social mobility is possible but difficult, and that individuals from lower classes face significant barriers in achieving upward mobility.

Literary Devices and Techniques

In Mrs. Spring Fragrance, Mihail Sebastian masterfully employs literary devices to enhance the novel’s structure, meaning, and impact. These techniques contribute to the narrative’s depth, allowing readers to engage with the characters and themes on multiple levels.


Sebastian subtly foreshadows key events throughout the novel. For instance, the recurring motif of the mirror foreshadows the protagonist’s self-deception and the illusion of identity. Similarly, the use of nature imagery, such as the decaying leaves in the park, foreshadows the impending loss and decay in the characters’ lives.


The novel is rich in symbolism. The title itself, Mrs. Spring Fragrance, symbolizes the ephemeral nature of beauty and youth. Other symbols include the attic, which represents the hidden and forgotten past, and the city of Bucharest, which symbolizes the modern world with its complexities and contradictions.


Sebastian uses irony to highlight the disparity between the characters’ perceptions and reality. For example, the protagonist’s belief that he is superior to others is ironic given his own flaws and weaknesses. Similarly, the novel’s tragic ending is ironic in that it contradicts the protagonist’s initial optimism and expectations.

Writing Style

Sebastian’s writing style is characterized by its lyrical prose and psychological depth. He uses vivid imagery and sensory details to create a rich and immersive atmosphere. His exploration of the characters’ inner thoughts and emotions allows readers to gain a profound understanding of their motivations and struggles.

Common Queries

What is the central theme of “Mrs. Spring Fragrance”?

The novel explores the complexities of love, marriage, and social status in traditional Chinese society.

How does the author use literary devices to enhance the story?

The author employs foreshadowing, symbolism, and irony to create a rich and immersive narrative.

What is the significance of the character development in the novel?

The characters undergo significant growth and transformation, reflecting the evolving social and cultural landscape of the time.